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At Princeton Chiropractic Clinic, our doctors strive to provide the best quality of care using three core components of clinical practice: Best scientific evidence, individual clinical expertise, and most importantly, patient values/expectations. Referring to the diagram on the right (or below if you are using your smartphone),"best external evidence" refers to scientific evidence. Chiropractic shows the strongest scientific evidence for treating back and neck pain. This does not mean that chiropractors cannot treat other conditions. It just means that for certain conditions, chiropractic should not be the ONLY approach. For example, if your child has a bacterial ear infection, you would certainly want to see your Pediatrician to get the proper antibiotic. As your child is recovering, chiropractic treatment can help to keep your child comfortable by helping control the pain and fluid buildup in the ears. As important as the chiropractors at this office feel chiropractic is to the overall healthcare of patients of any age, we want to help you build and maintain relationships with other important providers such as primary care providers (MDs, PAs, Nurse Practitioners etc), dentists, physical therapists,to name a few. If you are uncertain if chiropractic is the right choice for you, do not be afraid to make an appointment. If chiropractic is not your best option, our doctors can help to point you to the specialist provider that you need.